« 雨のモナコでミスするチャンピオンなんて | トップページ | 今年のジロのファイナルステージはTTなのね »


From the driver interview after the race

The interview for Felipe helped me to understand what happeded with Ferrari at that race.

He said that he could not talk with the team well on the radio, as I recall it was about 20 laps from the start, so he could not get the infromation about the best choice for tires. And Ferrari changed the strategy in the race believed the FIA forecast information, actually it was off the mark. Unfortunatelly it made them get worse.

Ferrari made many mistakes and misdecisions, and the past champion driver Kimi dropped the points after the final safety car since he made misdecisions to purchase Sutil, Force-India.

I have no words what I can say now but this year Monaco GP was just a tragedy for Sutil caused by whom, was one of the world chamapion driver and team, I cannot believe this fact.

« 雨のモナコでミスするチャンピオンなんて | トップページ | 今年のジロのファイナルステージはTTなのね »





この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: From the driver interview after the race:

« 雨のモナコでミスするチャンピオンなんて | トップページ | 今年のジロのファイナルステージはTTなのね »

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J League Division 2 Matchday 49

  • Img_0102
    90分のユアスタ優勝劇場 フェアで力強い,このチームのサポーターである喜び。